2010 Hands

Heath Thomson. Originally from Northern California, Heath first came to Boulder to earn his degree in environmental design at CU. But after spending a full year rendering a single office chair for a design firm in New Zealand, he decided to focus his attention and creativity on his true passion: food. His search for materie prime has taken him to some far flung places—foraging for chanterelles in the woods of Upper Michigan, rounding up livestock at a sheep station downunder, pulling king salmon out of the frigid waters of Alaska. But his cooking experience isn't limited to campfires and cast iron skillets. Heath has cooked in several highly acclaimed Bay Area establishments, including Boulette's Larder, in San Francisco's Ferry Building Marketplace. In fact, when he first crossed his arms and leaned back to inspect our battered wood-burning grill, we worried he might be disappointed to give up his gleaming copper pots for a place in our kitchen bus. But then his gaze gave way to a broad smile and he said, simply, "I can't wait." That's when we knew we'd found our guy.

Abby Saunders. Abby grew up along the east coast—on her native Long Island, attending Hamilton College in Upstate New York, and exploring New Hampshire's White Mountains. In search of taller peaks, Abby came to Boulder and found a fancy corporate job at Spyder Sportswear. But she gave it all up to join Meadow Lark. As it turns out, she's a genius when it comes to coordinating the untold number of logistics that go into a farm dinner—and she's got a knack for finding the perfect spot to set our table. Abby couldn't get enough of our circus and, lucky for us, she's came back for one more season. When she wasn't running around with a clipboard and checking off to-do lists, she was more than likely backcountry skiing on the slopes of a 14er, or extoling the virtues of craft beer. After Meadow Lark, Abby joined the team at Avery Brewing and fell in love with a certain crew member of Cure Organic Farm. Now, she and her husband—the aforementioned field hand!—live outside of Portland, Maine, where they started Bumbleroot Organic Farm.

Anna Sturgeon. As a child, Anna raced home from elementary school to watch 'Great Chefs of the World'. In 5th grade, she threw her first dinner party: Chicken Supreme, mashed potatoes, and salad. After completing a degree in psychology at Kent State, Anna left her Appalachian Ohio home to serve with the Peace Corps. Her experience in Romania had her teaching English and sampling nettle soup, or urizici. When, in her cramped apartment, she found herself painstakingly stuffing a turkey on the kitchen floor due to the lack of counter space, she realized that what she really wanted to do was work with food. So she rolled up her sleeves and headed west to see what she could make happen in the kitchen space of a school bus.
Erica Romkema. Erica hails from the nation’s breadbasket states of Iowa and Minnesota, where she played hide-and-seek in cornfields, canoed the lakes, and got knee-deep in vegetable and flower gardens. Between ballet lessons and Jane Austen books, she rode along with her veterinarian father from one family farm to another. After some years of wandering through the liberal arts, she finished her education with an M.F.A. in Creative Writing and Environment, with emphases in nonfiction and sustainable agriculture. A little polishing of the thesis, and off she went to France to volunteer on organic farms, les fermes biologiques. She thought it would take a lot to woo her away from the Dordogne castles and Normandy cream, but a Farm Dinner internship turned out to be just the thing.